Robinson Half Chest Replica Box - With or Without the Five Teas of the Boston Tea Party

Robinson Half Chest Replica Box - With or Without the Five Teas of the Boston Tea Party

Regular price $15.99 Sale

The Robinson Half Chest was one of 340 chests of tea thrown into Boston Harbor on the night of December 16th, 1773, in the act of defiance that would become known as The Boston Tea Party. Washing up the next day in the marshes of Dorchester Flats, the chest was retrieved by young John Robinson and passed down from descendant to descendant for more than 200 years. The Robinson Half Chest is on display at the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, resting above the same body of water into which it was cast 243 years ago. While you can't own the Robinson Half Chest itself, you can take home this 3-inch cube replica.

You can also order your Robinson Half Chest replica with 10g of each of the five historic teas thrown overboard during the Boston Tea Party: Singlo, Young Hyson, Bohea, Congou, Lapsang Souchong. 

Card inside of tea chest NOT included.